Marian stole is a stole presenting images of the Mother of God. The most common stoles are the one with the Immaculate Mother of God, Our Lady of Częstochowa, Our Lady of Ostrobramska, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Lourdes. Regardless of the type of stole and the tasteful embroidery presented in the form of a Marian motif, in each case it is a stole made with great care, using the best quality materials.
Stole with the image of the Immaculate Mother of God
Embroidered stole Mother of God Help of the Faithful
Stole with the image of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Priest's stole of the Mother of Perpetual Help (207)
Stuła haftowana Maryjna - Emblemat M, korona (15)
Stole with the image of the Heart of Jesus and the MB Scapular
Marian embroidered stole - Marian emblem + flowers
Embroidered stole John Paul II and Our Lady of Czestochowa
Embroidered ecru chasuble - MB Helper of the Faithful